What is this Space War?
It's simple single player turn-base game. Target is to eliminate opponent by occupying all planets. Player simple send ship fleets from one planet to another one.
Game Rules
- there is field 10 x 10 of squares
- each square can contain one planet
- each planet produce ships per round
- on planet can be unlimited amount of ships
- one player can own unlimited amount of planets
- each player can send some amount of ships from one planet to another one
- if space ships reach planet than
- planet is owned by player send ships, so amount of ships is increased
- planet own by different player so they fight about planet
- fight (defender ships) * 4/3 * (rnd) - (attacker ships) * (rnd) who has more ships own the planet
- if player has lost all planets and ships than lost the game
- each player plan moves when player is ready player should press button end of the round
- on the end of round all moves are performed and counted
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